Connect to Context Handler with SAML 2.0

FoxIDs can be connected to Context Handler with a SAML 2.0 authentication method.

Context Handler is a Danish identity broker connecting the Danish municipalities in a common federation, in Danish called Fælleskommunal Adgangsstyring.

Context Handler is connected as a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider (IdP) based on OIOSAML 3 and OCES3 (RSASSA-PSS).

Connect to Context Handler

By configuring an SAML 2.0 authentication method and a OpenID Connect application registration FoxIDs become a bridge between SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect. FoxIDs will then handle the SAML 2.0 connection as a Relying Party (RP) / Service Provider (SP) and you only need to care about OpenID Connect in your application. If needed, you can possibly select multiple login option (authentication methods) from the same OpenID Connect application registration.

In test, you can log in with the FoxIDs test IdP.

Select FoxIDs test IdP

Or configure a FoxIDs environment as a test Identity Provider for Context Handler with a SAML 2.0 application registration and authenticate test users.

Connect to Context Handler RP

Context Handler can be configured based on either OIOSAML 2 or OIOSAML 3 with OCES3 (RSASSA-PSS) and FoxIDs furthermore support the required certificates and it is possible to support NSIS.

You can test Context Handler login with the online web app sample (sample docs) by clicking Log in and then Danish Context Handler TEST for the test environment (select FoxIDs - test-corp on the Context Handler log in page) or Danish Context Handler for production.
Take a look at the Context Handler sample configuration in FoxIDs Control:
Get read access with the user and password TestAccess! then select the context-handler, context-handler-test or context-handler-idp-test environment.
The sample is configured with a separate environments for the Context Handler SAML 2.0 integration.

Context Handler documentation:

Transform the DK privilege XML claim to a JSON claim.

Separate environment

Context Handler requires each connection in an environment (test or production) to use a unique OCES3 certificate.
Therefore, consider connecting Context Handler in separate environments where the OCES3 certificates can be configured.

Connect to Context Handler

Create a new environment in FoxIDs Control Client:

  1. Find the Environments section in the top middle
  2. Click the drop-down
  3. Click New environment Create new environment
  4. Add the Name
  5. Click Create

If you both configure a test and production environment, they should be placed in separate environments. If you configure a test Identity Provider for Context Handler, it should also be placed in a separate environment and have a unique OCES3 certificate.

You can easily connect two environments in the same tenant with a Environment Link.


Context Handler requires all requests (authn and logout) to be signed with production OCES3 certificates in all environments. It is NOT possible to use a certificate issued by another certificate authority, a self-signed certificate or test OCES3 certificates.

A OCES3 certificate is valid for three years. After that, it must be updated manually.

Add the .P12 OCES3 certificate in FoxIDs Control Client:

  1. Select (or create) a separate environment to be used for Context Handler as Identity Provider or a test Identity Provider for Context Handler
  2. Select the Certificates tab
  3. If not configured for contained certificates. Click the arrow down on the Swap certificate button and then in the Contained certificates section click Change container type
  4. Click on the primary certificate 5, Add the password in Optional certificate password
  5. Upload the .P12 OCES3 certificate

Add OCES3 certificate

It is subsequently possible to add a secondary certificate and to swap between the primary and secondary certificates.

Configuring Context Handler as Identity Provider

This guide describe how to setup Context Handler as a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider and comply to OIOSAML3.

You need to configure the OCES3 certificate before following this guide.

1 - Start by creating an SAML 2.0 authentication method in FoxIDs Control Client

  1. Select the Authentication tab
  2. Click New authentication and then Identity Provider (SAML 2.0)
  3. Add the Name e.g. Context Handler
  4. Add the Context Handler IdP metadata in the Metadata URL field
    Test metadata:
    Production metadata:
  5. Click Create

Context Handler SAML 2.0 authentication method

  1. Select Show advanced
  2. Set Logout response binding to Redirect
  3. Configure a Custom SP issuer, the issuer can optionally start with https://saml. The issuer in this example is
  4. Optionally set the Certificate validation mode to Chain trust if the OCES3 root certificate is trusted on your platform Set the Certificate revocation mode to Online
  5. Select Yes in Add logout response location URL in metadata
  6. Select Yes in Include the encryption certificate in metadata
  7. Set the NameID format in metadata to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent

Context Handler SAML 2.0 authentication method

  1. In Attribute consuming service in metadata, click Add attribute consuming service and add the Service name
  2. Add all the claims you want to receive as requested attributes with the format urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri. Optionally set each attribute as required.

The following claims is most often used:


Context Handler SAML 2.0 authentication method

  1. In Contact persons in metadata, click Add contact person and click Administrative to add a administrative contact person
  2. Click Update
  3. Go to the top of the SAML 2.0 authentication method
  4. Find the SP-metadata in SAML 2.0 method URL, in this case
  5. The SP-metadata URL is used to configure a Context Handler user system (DK: brugervendt system).

2 - Then go to the Context Handler administration portal

  1. Select IT-systems (DK: IT-systemer)
  2. Click Add IT-system (DK: Tilslut it-system)
  3. Fill out the fields and select User system (DK: Brugervendt system)
  4. Go to the User system tab (DK: Brugervendt system)
  5. Select Context Handler with NSIS and remove the selection of Context Handler (without NSIS)
  6. Select OIOSAML3 as OIOSAML profile and NSIS level
  7. Add the SAML 2.0 authentication method SP-metadata URL, in this case
  8. Fill out the rest, accept the terms and click Save (DK: Gem)

3 - Add privilege claim transformation in FoxIDs Control Client

FoxIDs can transform the DK privilege XML claim to a JSON claim. It is recommended to add the transformation in order to obtain smaller claims and tokens. Furthermore, it makes the tokens readable.

  1. Select the Claim transform tab
  2. Click Add claim transform and click DK XML privilege to JSON
  3. Click Update

Context Handler SAML 2.0 authentication method privilege claim transformation

FoxIDs internally converts SAML 2.0 claims to JWT claims. The mapping between SAML 2.0 and JWT claims is automatically created by default. You can find and change the mapping in the Settings tab.

You are done. The SAML 2.0 authentication method can now be used as an authentication method for application registrations in the environment.

A application registration will only issue added claims.
Therefore, remember to add the JWT claims to OpenID Connect application registrations or use the * notation.

Configuring test Identity Provider for Context Handler

This guide describe how to configured FoxIDs as a test Identity Provider for Context Handler. Context Handler is added as a SAML 2.0 Relying Party.

You need to use a separate environment to have a place for the test users and to configure the OCES3 certificate before following this guide.

1 - Start by creating an SAML 2.0 application registration in FoxIDs Control Client

  1. Select the Applications tab

  2. Click New application

  3. Select Show advanced

  4. Select Web Application (SAML 2.0)

  5. Add the Name e.g., Context Handler IdP

  6. Download the Context Handler RP metadata where you can find endpoints and the certificate to trust.
    Test metadata:
    The certificate is base64 encoded and can be converted into a certificate file .cer with the FoxIDs certificate tool.

  7. Add the Application issuer and the metadata

  8. Add the Assertion consumer service (ACS) URL from the metadata Context Handler SAML 2.0 application

  9. Click Register

  10. Read the Metadata URL and save it for later

  11. Click Close

  12. The detailed configuration opens, select Show advanced in the top right corner of this configuration section

  13. Enable Absolute ACS URL

  14. Set Encrypt authn response to Yes

  15. Add the encryption certificate from the metadata in Encryption certificate

  16. Set the NameID format to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:X509SubjectName

  17. Add the Logged out URL from the metadata

  18. Add the Single logout out URL from the metadata

  19. Set the Logout request binding and the Logout response binding to redirect

  20. Set the OIOSAML3 claims which should be issued to Context Handler in Issue claims

The following claims is most often used:

  1. Add the signing certificate from the metadata in Signature validation certificate
  2. Optionally the Certificate validation mode to Chain trust if the OCES3 root certificate is trusted on your platform Set the Certificate revocation mode to Online
  3. Set Authn response sign type to Sign assertion
  4. Configure a Custom IdP issuer, the issuer can optionally start with https://saml. The issuer in this example
  5. Select Yes in Add logout response location URL in metadata
  6. Select YEs in Include the encryption certificate in metadata
  7. In Contact persons in metadata, click Add contact person and click Administrative to add a administrative contact person Context Handler SAML 2.0 application
  8. Click Update
  9. Go to the top of the SAML 2.0 application section
  10. Find the test IdP-metadata in SAML 2.0 Metadata, in this case*)/saml/idpmetadata
    The test IdP-metadata is used to configure the Context Handler identity provider.

2 - Then go to the Context Handler administration portal

  1. Select IT-systems (DK: IT-systemer)
  2. Click Add IT-system (DK: Tilslut it-system)
  3. Fill out the fields and select Identity Provider
  4. Go to the Identity Provider tab
  5. Select Context Handler with NSIS and remove the selection of Context Handler (without NSIS)
  6. Select OIOSAML3 as OIOSAML profile and NSIS level
  7. Add the test IdP-metadata URL, in this case*)/saml/idpmetadata.
  8. Fill out the rest, accept the terms and click Save (DK: Gem)

You are required to be registered as your own test authority (DK: egen test myndighed) in the test environment to add a federation agreement. A federation agreement (DK: føderationsaftaler) is required to enable the identity provider in Context Handler.

3 - Add claim transformation in FoxIDs Control Client

Create the claims which has to be issued to Context Handler in claim transforms.

  1. Go back to the SAML 2.0 application Context Handler IdP
  2. Select the Claim transforms tab
  3. Add a Constant claim with the value OIO-SAML-3.0
  4. Add a Constant claim with the value 2.0
  5. Add a Constant levels of assurance (loa) claim with e.g. the value Substantial or read the claim through the claims pipeline

Context Handler SAML 2.0 application registration

  1. Add a Concatenated claim to replace the NameID claim which a concatenated version of the CVR number, display name and unique user ID
  2. Select Action Replace claim
  3. Concatenate claims:
  4. Set the Concatenate format string to C=DK,O={0},CN={1} {2},Serial={3} Context Handler SAML 2.0 application registration
  5. Click Update

4 - Add SAML 2.0 claim to JWT claim mappings in FoxIDs Control Client

FoxIDs internally converts SAML 2.0 claims to JWT claims. Context Handler use a OIOSAML3 defined set of SAML 2.0 claims where corresponding JWT mappings need to be added in the environment.

  1. Go to Settings tab and Claim mappings
  2. Click Add claim mapping for all the claims configured in step 1.20, you can create you own short JWT claim names if no standard name exists (or edit the claim mappings if they already exist)
  3. Click Update

5 - Add test users in FoxIDs Control Client

You can add test uses with test claims in the Users tab and sub Internal Users tab.

Test claims on test users is JWT based and mapped to SAML 2.0 claims.

Each test user is required to have a CVR cvr claim, given name given_name claim, family name family_name claim and optionally a privilege claim with a base64 encoded DK privilege XML string value.

Test user 1

If the user should have the Job function role (DK: Jobfunktionsrolle) the DK privilege XML would be (with test CVR number: 11111111):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpp:PrivilegeList xmlns:bpp="" xmlns:xsi="" >
    <PrivilegeGroup Scope="urn:dk:gov:saml:cvrNumberIdentifier:11111111">