FoxIDs development / code contribution

You can run FoxIDs locally in Visual Studio on your development machine.

Clone the FoxIDs GitHub repository and possibly do pull requests.

Solution description:

  • FoxIDs is the FoxIDs Identity Service ASP.NET Core application
    Local endpoint https://localhost:44330
  • FoxIDs.Control is the FoxIDs Control ASP.NET Core API and host of the FoxIDs Control Client Blazor WebAssembly
    Local endpoint https://localhost:44331
    Local API endpoint https://localhost:44331/api/
    API Swagger (OpenApi) endpoint https://localhost:44331/api/swagger/v1/swagger.json
  • FoxIDs.ControlClient is the FoxIDs Control Client Blazor WebAssembly
  • FoxIDs.ControlShared is a library shared between the FoxIDs Control API backend and FoxIDs Control Client Blazor WebAssembly frontend
  • FoxIDs.Shared is a library shared between the FoxIDs ASP.NET Core application and FoxIDs Control ASP.NET Core API
  • FoxIDs.SharedBase is a library shared by all

Open the FoxIDs solution in Visual Studio or in your preferred developer tool.

The solution is default configured to rune locally and to use a file store for both data and cache. The files are by default saved in the data folder in the root of the solution folder.

The default configuration file appsettings.json in the FoxIDs project:

  "Settings": {   
    "FoxIDsEndpoint": "https://localhost:44330",
    "Options": {
      "Log": "Stdout",
      "DataStorage": "File",
      "KeyStorage": "None",
      "Cache": "File",
      "DataCache": "None"

The default configuration file appsettings.json in the FoxIDs.Control project:

  "Settings": {   
    "FoxIDsEndpoint": "https://localhost:44330",
    "FoxIDsControlEndpoint": "https://localhost:44331",
    "Options": {
      "Log": "Stdout",
      "DataStorage": "File",
      "KeyStorage": "None",
      "Cache": "File",
      "DataCache": "None"

Hit run! The FoxIDs Control site should be lunched in a browser.

Login with the default admin user [email protected] with password FirstAccess!

After successfully login you have access to the master tenant. You should then create a dev tenant where you can add applications (application registration), APIs (application registration), user login (authentication method) and external trust (authentication method).
After having your dev tenant created you can follow the get started guide.

API client proxy

It is possible to integrate with the FoxIDs Control API in different ways, it is just a plain API exposing an interface description with Swagger (OpenApi).

It is e.g., possible to generate client code with NSwag:

You can find a code sample in FoxIDs.SampleSeedTool which automatically generating an API clients on build. When the GenerateCode is true in the project file.