Reverse proxy

It is recommended to place both the FoxIDs site and the FoxIDs Control site behind a reverse proxy.

Reverse proxies

FoxIDs generally support all reverse proxies, the following reverse proxies has been tested.

Azure Front Door

Azure Front Door can be configured as a reverse proxy. Azure Front Door rewrite domains by default.

Do NOT enable caching. The Accept-Language header is not forwarded if caching is enabled. The header is required by FoxIDs to support cultures.

Add a Azure Front Door endpoint for both the FoxIDs site and the FoxIDs Control site. Restrict access by requiring the X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header.
Disable Session affinity and optionally configure WAF policies.


Cloudflare can be configured as a reverse proxy. But Cloudflare require a Enterprise plan to rewrite domains (host headers). Restrict access by requiring the X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header.

Azure Application Gateway

Azure Application Gateway can rewrite all domains if configured. The X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header can optionally be added to restrict access (recommended depended on the infrastructure).

Optionally configure a rewrite rule to both requiring a secret and sending a secret in a X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header. You could require a X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header if you have a reverse proxy in front of the Azure Application Gateway.
If requiring a secret, add a custom HTTPS health probe with the X-FoxIDs-Secret query parameter /?x-foxids-secret=xxx and the secret.


Internet Information Services (IIS) Application Request Routing (ARR) Proxy require a Windows server. ARR Proxy rewrite domains with a rewrite rule. The X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header can optionally be added to restrict access (recommended depended on the infrastructure).

An accept all external domains rule can be configured. This example is a global rule, rules can also be added to websites.
Optionally both requiring (secret1) and sending (secret2) in a X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header. You could require a X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header if you have a reverse proxy in front of the ARR Proxy.

    <rule name="my-rule-name" patternSyntax="Wildcard" stopProcessing="true">
        <match url="*" />
            <add input="{HTTP_X-FoxIDs-Secret}" pattern="... secret1 ..." ignoreCase="false" />
        <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}" />
            <set name="HTTP_X-ORIGINAL-HOST" value="{HTTP_HOST}" />
            <set name="HTTP_X-FoxIDs-Secret" value="... secret2 ..." />

Read HTTP headers

The FoxIDs site support reading the client IP address in the following HTTP headers in order of priority:

  1. CF-Connecting-IP
  2. X-Azure-ClientIP
  3. X-Forwarded-For

The FoxIDs site support reading the custom domain (host name) from the revers proxy in the following HTTP headers in order of priority:

  2. X-Forwarded-Host

The host header is only read if access is restricted by the X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header or the Settings__TrustProxyHeaders setting is set to true.

The FoxIDs site and FoxIDs Control site support to read the HTTP/HTTPS scheme if the Settings__TrustProxySchemeHeader setting is set to true. In the following HTTP headers in order of priority:

  1. X-Forwarded-Scheme
  2. X-Forwarded-Proto

Restrict access

Both the FoxIDs site and FoxIDs Control sites can restrict access based on the X-FoxIDs-Secret HTTP header.
The access restriction is activated by adding the Settings__ProxySecret setting with the secret.