Connect two environments with Environment Link

FoxIDs environments in the same tenant can be connected with environment links. A Environment Link acts mostly like OpenID Connect but it is simpler to configure and the steps it goes through is faster.

Environment Link

Environment links is fast and secure but can only be used in the same tenant. A link based on OpenID Connect connection is required if you need to jump between environments located in different tenants.

Take a look at the sample environment links configuration in FoxIDs Control:
Get read access with the user [email protected] and password TestAccess! then e.g., take a look at the nemlogin and Production environments.

Environment links support login, RP-initiated logout and front-channel logout. Furthermore, it is possible to configure claim and claim transforms, logout session and home realm discovery (HRD) like all other connecting authentication methods and application registrations.

Configure integration

The following describes how to connect two environments called track_x and track_y where track_y become an authentication method on track_x.

1 - Start in the track_x environment by creating a Environment Link in FoxIDs Control Client

  1. Select the Authentication methods tab
  2. Click Create authentication method and then Environment Link
  3. Add the name e.g., track_y-connection
  4. Add the track_y environment name
  5. Add the application registration name in the track_y environment e.g., track_x-connection
  6. Click Create

Create Environment Link authentication method

2 - Then go to the track_y environment and create a Environment Link in FoxIDs Control Client

  1. Select the Applications tab
  2. Click Create application registration and then Environment Link
  3. Add the name e.g., track_x-connection
  4. Add the track_x environment name
  5. Add the authentication method name in the track_x environment e.g., track_y-connection
  6. Select which authentication methods in the track_y environment the user is allowed to use for authentication
  7. Click Create

Create Environment Link application registration

That's it, you are done.

Your new authentication method track_y-connection can now be selected as an allowed authentication method in the application registrations in you track_x environment.
The application registrations in you track_x environment can read the claims from your track_y-connection authentication method.