Claim transforms

Each FoxIDs authentication method and application registration handle claims and support configuring claim transforms. This means that two sets of claim transforms can be executed on each user authentication. First executing any claim transforms on the authentication method and then any claim transforms on the application registration.

If you create a new claim in a claim transform the claim is per default not send from the authentication method to the application registration or to the application / API. In a authentication method you have to add the claim to the Forward claims list to forward the claim and in a application registration to the Issue claims list or alternative add the claim to a scope's Voluntary claims list.

Please see claim transform examples

Enable Log claim trace in the log settings to see the claims before and after transformation in logs.

Claim transforms can e.g., be configured in a login authentication method.

FoxIDs authentication method claim transform

And likewise claim transforms can e.g., be configured in a OpenID Connect application registration.

FoxIDs application registration claim transform

Claims are by default represented as JWT claims. If the authentication method or application registration is SAML 2.0 the claims is represented as SAML 2.0 claims.

A claim transform will do one of op to five different actions depending on the particular claim transform type.

Claim transform actions:

  • Add - add a new claim
  • Replace - add a new claim and remove existing claims if one or mere exist
  • Add if not - do the add action if the condition does not match
  • Replace if not - do the replace action if the condition does not match
  • Remove - remove the claims if one or mere exist

The claim transforms is executed in order and the actions is therefore executed in order. This means that it e.g., is possible at one point in the sequence to remove a claim and later in the sequence to add the claim again.

Using the Add if not actions it is possible to add a claim if another claim or a claim with a value do not exist.

Claim transform types that support all actions:

  • Match claim - do the action if the claim type match
  • Match claim and value - do the action if the claim type and claim value match
  • Regex match - do the action if the claim type match and claim value match the regular expression

Claim transform types that support Add and Replace actions:

  • Constant - always do the action
  • Map - do the action if the claim type match, then map the claim value to a new claim
  • Regex map - do the action if the claim type match and claim value match the regular expression group, then map the group value to a new claim
  • Concatenate - do the action if one or more of the claim types match, then concatenate the claim values to a new claim

Claim transform examples

Transform name to given_name and family_name

Transform the name claim approximately to the two claims given_name and family_name.

The transformation will split the value in the name claim at the first occurring space and respectively add the given_name and family_name claims, if they do not already exist.
If there are more than one space in the name claim value. New given_name and family_name claims will not be added because they already exist.

Use two Regex map claim transformations.

Transform name to given_name and family_name

  • Find the family_name claim value with regex ^\S+\s(?<map>\S+)$
  • Find the given_name claim value with regex ^(?<map>\S+)\s\S+$

Remove the default added authentication method name from sub

The authentication method name is default added to the sub claim ID value as a post name divided by a pipe e.g., some-auth-method|my-external-user-id.

You can do a transform replace claim on the sub claim to remove the default added post value.

The transformation will split the value in the sub claim and replace the claim with a new sub only containing the original ID.

Use a Regex map claim transformation and select the Replace claim action.

Remove default added post authentication method name

  • Find the ID without the default added post authentication method name with regex ^(nemlogin\|)(?<map>.+)$

You can do the same in a SAML 2.0 authentication method using the claim instead of the sub claim.